She will be going to outpatient rehab 3 times a week for about 6 and a half weeks. A driver will pick her up and bring her back each of those days, for the afternoon. It felt like she was going to school because I had to pack her a lunch (she actually leaves late morning), and she had to pack a few things to keep her occupied during the downtime. So, it felt like she was preparing to set off for her first day in kindergarten.
Please pray that this will be an extremely successful time of rehab, and that Barbara will soon be able to walk again... on her own.
One other prayer request I'll pass along. Barbara's dad is not doing well health-wise, and she's very upset about it. He needs to know Christ as his savior as well, and I think that's a big part of Barbara's concern. He was able to come up with Barb's mom, his sister, and a cousin yesterday for a visit. I've included a few pictures of that. Please help us pray for Barb's dad... for both his physical and spiritual health.