Wednesday, August 8, 2007

First Day of School

Well, at least it seems like the first day of school for Barbara. That was our joke as we got her ready to go to her first day of rehab this morning. She now has had the blessing of getting to ride in a van IN her wheelchair. There was a bit of trepidation on her behalf, but I'm praying all will go well.

She will be going to outpatient rehab 3 times a week for about 6 and a half weeks. A driver will pick her up and bring her back each of those days, for the afternoon. It felt like she was going to school because I had to pack her a lunch (she actually leaves late morning), and she had to pack a few things to keep her occupied during the downtime. So, it felt like she was preparing to set off for her first day in kindergarten.

Please pray that this will be an extremely successful time of rehab, and that Barbara will soon be able to walk again... on her own.

One other prayer request I'll pass along. Barbara's dad is not doing well health-wise, and she's very upset about it. He needs to know Christ as his savior as well, and I think that's a big part of Barbara's concern. He was able to come up with Barb's mom, his sister, and a cousin yesterday for a visit. I've included a few pictures of that. Please help us pray for Barb's dad... for both his physical and spiritual health.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Aug. 6

Don't know why it has been so hard to keep up with this blog these days. I suspect it has something to do with the wild unfettered clutter of business my life has become. Nevertheless, I am daily mindful of just how wonderfully blessed I am, and how fortunate I am to have my precious angel home with me for a while longer. Hopefully for many whiles longer. Which incites me to point out that it is incredible what such a horrible drama as we've lived can do for a relationship. And I am speaking of positive things here.

Our week spent at camp was just wonderful, and went far better than either one of us could have imagined. After the wedding, we had made camp a secondary goal. At the time, we only had reason to believe that might entail a visit of a day or two. It was so wonderful being their for the week. It was equally wonderful to spend time with my dad and my sister and her family. Barbara loves going to camp about as much as I do, which is a really great thing.

This past week we had my sister's 8-year old middle daughter with us. She had been wanting to spend a week doing crafts with Aunt Barbara. Then, my sister and her family joined us for church here at GFM on Sunday, and spent a good portion of the day here.

Good news came this morning... it seems that we are now on track to get Barbara started on out-patient rehab this Wednesday! Wonderful news. They will pick her up and bring her home as well, which is a big relief for me.

We're also relieved that a member of our church will be coming to look at our dead dryer to see if it is fixable. It's a pain to do laundry and have to dry it at a laundromat, hence laundry isn't getting done like it should!

Keep us in prayer that the rehab will work out well and that Medicaid will come through. Pray for me for strength and stamina to do all the jobs that I have to do. I am so pleased to have Barbara here, but it is quite a job as well.