Wednesday, January 24, 2007

January 24

A quick note here this morning to let you know that while nothing has been confirmed, I'm thinking that this will be the day that Barbara has the surgical procedure to repair the pressure wound on the back of her head. The cardiologist saw her last night, and I believe that he thought she'd be good to go.

Barbara keeps asking if anyone has said they'd come and visit. She is terribly lonely and depressed (even with my wonderful daily presence!). If you get a chance to stop by and see her, I can ASSURE you that you will be instrumental in her healing. Thanks! She is in the Select Specialty Hospital area of St. Margaret's in Hammond. You can get her room number at the front desk for St. Margaret's... it's all the same building.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg--Our prayers tonight center around everything going well with the surgical procedure for Barbara's neck. We also pray for at least one visitor for Barbara. And may the Lord continue to be with you each day to strengthen you and to provide for your needs. In His name, Amen.--Gene and Marcia