Tuesday, February 13, 2007

February 13 - Snowed In

Please keep Barbara in your prayers especially today. I am at home today due to the snow storm we're experiencing. We talked about this possibility yesterday, and she wanted me to stay home in such a circumstances as this.

However, upon speaking to her on the phone earlier, she told me that she is extremely bored and that this day has already seemed endlessly long. Please pray that:

- God will send staff people to comfort her,

- The staff will be attentive to her and help set up audio books or movies as needed,

- That she will rest,

- That her mind will be occupied with good things.

Thanks for your prayers today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg--We're snowed in down in Terre Haute too. I'm sure you have more snow, but all Vigo County roads are impassable. Even the birds almost attacked me when I distributed their evening feeding. It's probably a bit late for your requested prayers, but I'll honor them since they may also be needed for tomorrow. Our Father, We pray for Barbara during her time alone that she will be comforted by you, as well as by the staff. Help the staff to be attentive to her needs whatever they may be, and Father, give her Your peace and rest that she might be truly comforted and relaxed. Keep her mind on good and positive things, and continue to heal her body. Also, be with Greg while he is home. Give him a peace that all is well in Your hands, and let him have a productive and restful time. Provide him with safe travel when he returns to visit Barbara. In Your name we pray, Amen.--Gene and Marcia