Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 17 - More Mountains To Climb

Healthcare sure is like a box of microphone cables. I can use that metaphor because, being a live sound/recording enthusiast, I know what happens when you throw mic cables together in a box. No matter how neatly you place them, they will magically, mysteriously tangle and knot themselves together. That's healthcare for ya. I am still researching and investigating and touring and talking to various alternates for Barbara's care. I have no answers yet. Pray for me. Pray for WISDOM.

So today I'm told that Barbara has a blood clot in her right leg. Plus a bladder infection. Plus a likely inner ear infection (or, at the very least, fluid retention). Pile it all on, baby, pile it on! She has had a low grade temp on and off, probably due to the infection. Oh, how I hate that word! I know how infections nearly killed her, and I hate to think of her developing more.

She has also had more anxiety issues. And that digestive system is still a colossal mess.

Is Greg being Mr. Pessimism this evening? Actually, no. I'm getting ready to eat a piece of the best Pecan pie in the world courtesy Karen Armstrong from Birds, who along with husband Merle, came to visit this past weekend. Karen is a fantastic cook, and her pecan pie rules. I must stay that I have been privileged to consume some great food from some wonderful ladies here at GFM. I have been treated well.

Let me throw one more prayer request your way. My people here have been wonderfully gracious to allow me to attend to Barbara over these months. While endeavoring to serve them as best I can under the circumstances, sermon preparation has been quite difficult. I have been convinced that God wants me to continue weekly sermon prep work as a spiritual discipline. So I trudge on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg--I've been having computer problems. Just had to ininstall then reinstall AOL. It's about as mysterious as your comparison of microphone cables with healthcare. I hope it's fixed for now. We pray for your mountains. Lord, we ask that you give Greg wisdom, knowledge and connections as he works to get the best healthcare for Barbara. Clear the path for him and lead him to the best. We ask that you heal Barbara's blood clot and her recent infections. Calm her anxieties, and give her your peace. We also pray that you give her an appetite and a digestive system to deal effectively with the food she eats. We thank you, Lord, for the generous GFM ladies who provide Greg with food. Bless them, Lord, for their kindness. And bless Greg, Lord, as he struggles to prepare his work as well as provide support for Barbara. Fill him with your spirit, Lord, and give him the scriptures and words that you want him to use. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.--Gene and Marcia