Monday, December 18, 2006

December 18

This is the first fresh update posted directly to this blog. Please note that all previous posts contain the accurate date in the title, not the "date posted" item at the bottom of the posting.

After a grueling weekend, Barbara seems to be doing very well today. Her heart rate is still high, but down considerably from where it was. Her blood pressure is now in a healthier range. Plus, her oxygen levels have continued at 100%, so the respirator has been lowered to deliver 45% oxygen.

She is as alert today as I've seen her for quite some time. She is smiling often, focusing her eyes on us well, and responding appropriately. We've had the TV on for her (Food Network mostly - one of her favorites) and she has been watching without her eyes wandering.

She still can't move her limbs well, but considering the big setback of the weekend, her responses to us today have been WONDERFUL.

Janie, from our church, will be coming to do her nails shortly (they've gotton long!). We hope this will help her feel a little more human today.

We have been trying not to get too excited on either the good or bad days. It's hard for our emotions not to ride with her progress, but we know these facts to be true:
1. She is not out of the woods yet - still in critical condition,
2. This probably won't resolve overnight,
3. She is in BIG hands... God is with us!

Please join us in praying today that she now experiences a speedy recovery,

That her heart holds strong,

That her body clears of all infections and other debilitating issues,

That her joints stay limber,

That her neck continues to heal.

We had a wonderful day of worship yesterday, and the love of God's people thrilled me, held me, and encouraged me. It's so good to have Jackie and Peter here this week, too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greg--How nice to establish a blog to keep all of us informed about Barbara. It was good to hear Barbara's doing better and that she's alert and feels like smiling. We pray with you and others today for Barbara's recovery, and we will use the specific areas in which you requested we pray in our prayers. We thank God for your wonderful day of worship Sunday. Gene and Marcia